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We are Dunia Legal Translation- Dubai, certified by the Ministry of Justice, dealing with all languages, with high quality, very fast and adhere to agreed timeline, with affordable and negotiable prices. Please contact us via mail: or or and via phone: 043575730, Mobile: 0505033530. We are in Bur Dubai, Bank St. Nasser Lootah Bldg, 207, very near to the Ministry of Foreign affairs same building of on time. With due kind regards, Mossad Nada DUNIA LEGAL TRANSLATION P. O. Box: 117593, Dubai Tel: 04-3575730 Fax: 04-3575573 Email:
دنيا للترجمة القانونية ترجمة كافة الوثائق والمستندات والكتب والأبحاث والشهادات وغيرها وتوثيقها بكافة اللغات وبأرخص الأسعار وسرعة فائقة 0505033530
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